Thursday 4 August 2011

Thing 3...Online presence

I can't say that I had ever considered myself as a brand before.  Adidas is a brand.  L'Oreal is a brand.  Louise Wallace is my name, partly dictated by my parents and partly by my husbands heritage. 

Now that I am considering it, I don't think I really want to be a brand.  I am Louise Wallace, Assistant Librarian at The University of Glamorgan and that's good enough for me.  I don't feel that I need a moniker or a logo to promote myself.  The best way to promote yourself in your own organisation is surely by doing a good job and by impacting positively on the service?  Externally, I am on the Career Development Group Commitee, I belong to LISNPN and I try to network as much as I can. 

Having said that I don't want to be a brand, this has made me think.  When I sign up for online accounts I tend to use Louisianna (a nickname given to me by my Nan as I am Louise Ann - very inventive), or a variation of my names, or sometimes my staff ID - lawallac.  I tend to go with whatever isn't already taken (often very difficult ), and something I will remember.  This isn't very consistent and thing 3 has made me think about whether I need a new approach.

Playing catch-up

The cpd23 boat is crusing round the med and I am left in Southampton, I had every intention of getting on the boat but now I'm left waving my arms around on the dock. 

In real life, I went on holiday, came back to work and have had so much to do that I have neglected my blog.  I have been keeping up to date with the things, and it's easy enough to spend a couple of hours in the evening exploring some of the applications; pushnote, google calender, evernote etc...  Actually writing about them is more difficult and more time consuming.  It's not because I don't enjoy writing, I love it.  In my day job I write a lot of guides, they have to be precise and accurate and they are quality checked my my colleagues.  This is a whole different ball game!  This is me, and the fear of not understanding something fully
and writing something silly, is strong. 

Anyway, I have no intention of missing the boat altogether and I think it's about time I got a flight to the next stop and catch up!